
Tomb of the Two Brothers Niankh‑Khnum and Khnumhotep

New Kingdom Cemetery

Memphite Tomb of Horemheb

Tomb of Mereruka

Hurghada Museum

Bagawat Cemetery

Sharm al-Sheikh Museum

The Church of the Burning Bush

The Library of Saint Catherine’s Monastery

Saint Catherine’s Monastery

Tomb of Ramesses VI (KV9)

Valley of the Kings

Tomb of Sety I (KV17)

Hatshepsut Temple

Deir al-Bahari

Mummification Museum


Tomb of Tutankhamun

Luxor Temple

Bab al‑Futuh

Mosque-Sabil of Sulayman Agha al-Silahdar

Baron Empain Palace

Egypt’s Capitals Museum ( ECM )


Shatby Necropolis

Aswan Cemetery


Abu Simbel

Royal Jewelry Museum